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Building your Ambot
- Parts:

- 1x body plate
- 2x motors, with 2 wires attached to each motor with 2x wheels
- 1x ESP8266 NodeMCU v2 Devboard
- 1x NodeMCU motor shield
- 1x jumper
- 1x plastic egg (used as skid plate)
- 1x 4xAA battery case
- Also needed:
- 4x batteries
- 1 small screwdriver
- 2019 Amazing Robot Assembly Instructions
- Skid Plate:
- Glue Skid Plate (egg) to Body:

- Battery Pack:1
- Glue Battery Pack to Body
- Batteries should run across the body, not from front-to-back.
- Be sure to center the battery pack very carefully so that it is flush with the body plate on the sides!

- Motors:
- Glue Motors to Battery Pack & Body
- Place motors so that “solid color” wire is “Up”: Place Blue or Green on Left; place Brown or Orange on Right.
- Works best to place a thin layer of hot glue on battery pack and body where motor will make contact, then quickly attach motor
- Attach at an angle, with axle not touching battery pack and body!
- Place the motors carefully so that they are parallel to each other and to the centerline of the bot!
- The beauty of using hot glue for this: if you mess up, carefully pry off the motor, remove the glue, then reglue it again, better!

- Jumper:
- Insert Jumper onto Motor Controller, shunting Vin and Vm pins:

- Motor Controller:
- Glue Motor Controller to Body (blue headers facing toward back):

- Wheels:
- Carefully press the wheels onto the motors
- If you press too hard and the motor becomes unglued, remove the glue residue before re-gluing!

- ESP8266:
- Insert ESP8266 into Motor Controller
- Carefully insert the brain into the motor controller, aligning the “wifi antenna” markings at the outer edge of the two boards.
- The USB port will be pointing out over the blue headers

- Motor Wires:
- Attach Motor wires to Motor Controller:
- *** WARNING ***
The joints where the wires are connected to the motors are weak.
DO NOT put any pressure on those points.
DO NOT stress the joints by pulling the wires!
- Carefully straighten a bit of the coiled wire away from the motor.
- Loosen the four screws above “A-/A+”, “B-/B+”, and “VIN/GND” a bit.
- Insert the wires from “Motor A” into A- and A+, and the wires from “Motor B” into B- and B+, and tighten the screws.
- Place the colored wire in “-” and the whited wire in “+” (it can work otherwise– you just have to adjust things in your code!)

- Battery Pack Wires:
- Attach Battery Pack wires to Motor Controller
- Using a fingernail, bare a bit more of the wire
- Insert the red wire from the battery pack to VIN and the right wire from the battery pack into GND, and tighten the screws. (See previous picture!)
Building your Ambot-2019 Gripper
- Parts:

- 1x left gripper arm (without servo horn cutout)
- 1x right gripper arm (with servo horn cutout)
- 1x gripper plate
- 1x bolt
- 1x nut
- 2x washers
- 1x jack
- 1x jack plate
- 2x servo
- 2x servo horns
- 2x servo horn screws
- Gripper:
- Jack:
- Insert the jack into the jack base, ensuring that it can slide up and down within the base and that the slot on the jack is facing sideways

- Glue the jack base to the center of the back of the bot

- Determine the limits of the servo and set it to “mid-way”, then glue the jack servo to the base right beside the jack base, with the servo knob facing back and toward the top

- Insert the servo horn into the jack slit then place it on the servo

- Move the servo up and down to ensure that the jack lowers and rises as the servo rotates

- Screw the servo horn onto the servo

- Attach the Jack servo to “GPIO 8” with the red wire toward the outside