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Controlling your Ambot
- Your Ambot’s ESP8266 microcontroller is
- a NodeMCU DevKit v2
- mounted on a NodeMCU Motor Shield
- running custom firmware
- connected via WiFi
- running an internal web server
- controlled using HTTP commands
- Send commands to the bot’s web server. For example:
“Comm check”: returns “Operational” message if bot brain and connection are working
tells motor 1 go at speed 500 in direction 1, motor 2 go at speed 500 in direction 1
tells motor 1 go at speed 500 in direction 1, motor 2 go at speed 900 in direction 0
tells servo to turn to angle 90
turns on GPIO pin 14 (which is 5 on the motor board)
turns off GPIO pin 16 (sending 0 to pin 16 turns on the onboard LED)
turns on GPIO pin 16 (sending 1 to pin 16 turns off the onboard LED)
turns off GPIO pin 2 (sending 0 to pin 2 turns on the other onboard LED)
turns on GPIO pin 14 to value 150
- Supported commands:
- returns status report of bot (details sent only to serial port)
- commands motor
- speeds (a1, b1) are 0-1023
- directions (a2, b2) are 0 and 1
- commands motor to run for t milliseconds (1 second = 1000 milliseconds)
- speeds (a1, b1) are 0-1023
- directions (a2, b2) are 0 and 1
- time (t) is milliseconds (250 = 1/4 second; 1000 = 1 second; 2000 = 2 seconds
- commands servo to move to angle a1 (0 <= a1 <= 180)
- Logically disconnects servo (stops jitter). Servo automatically reconnects when
command is sent.
or /dist
or /tempHumRead
or /temp
- Reading temperature or humidity takes about 250 milliseconds!
- Sensor readings may also be up to 2 seconds ‘old’ (is a very slow sensor)
- We will control our bots using Snap! This template gets us started (right-click to download. Choose “Save link as…“):